the idea | the designer

everybody needs a website

There are several reasons why some businesses don't have websites. Here are a few:

I don't use the internet -
That doesn't mean that your clients aren't using the internet. Whatever kind of business you're in, most of your customers have computers and are using them to research the companies they do business with.

I just wouldn't know where to start to get a website -
Start by calling 518-346-7175 for a free consultation. You don't need to know anything except what the goals of your business are and who your ideal clients are. Building a website is a lot like buying a house for the first time - it can seem daunting until someone walks you through each step.

I don't need a website for my business -
Everybody needs a website.

I don't have the money for a website -
You can start with a two or three page professional website that makes a good impression and build on it on as your business grows. Whatever your budget, Charles Street Studio will make it possible for you to have a website.

I already have a website but...
I haven't looked at it in a long time...
It hasn't been updated in years...
I'm embarrassed to show it to clients...
It doesn't really represent what my company does...

Does this sound familiar?
Here's an analogy: When you first got married, you got all kinds of shower and wedding gifts - those new sheets and towels and home furnishings made you feel like you were living in a Pottery Barn catalog. But now it's been a few years and you look around and you realize your stuff doesn't look all that fresh and new anymore.

When you first got your website, it looked pretty wonderful. But now... those frames and that flashing text that looked good five years ago are starting to make your business look like it's not exactly on the cutting edge.

Yet, potential clients may be looking at that website every day. And that may be the only impression they ever get of your business.

You really can't afford to keep a website that's not up to date and working for you. Take some time to go over your website and write down what is working for you and what isn't. Then call us to discuss how to improve what you already have.

do you get the idea?

next: the designer >>

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